14 de abril de 2018

La importancia de amarse a sí mismo...

Right now, I am going throughout a particular painful experience in my life. I don't see things clearly. In fact, sometimes I feel really confuse in both, my thoughts and my feelings.

Nevertheless, I keep looking for the truth in the midst of the crisis.

Wait! Finally I have begun to understand something:

I have the right to be happy

and in order to get that, I must love myself

and the easiest way to learn how to love myself is by going deeply in my soul and talking to God without masks, and also by doing a daily exercise of falling in love with God and -somehow- also with myself; off course, without becoming narcissist.

How to fall in love with God? I think that there several ways to do this: by talking to Jesus as if he were really besides me (actually he is really besides me); by praying common prayers, but being consciuos of every word I say; by reading the bible; by reading spiritual texts writing by someone who, I know, has already made a good way in the spiritual world and has real words of wisdom; and also by saying positive things to myself every day, like for example: "I'm worthy", "I have the right to be happy", "I can be always better", "I'm able to do whatever I want just because God has given me so many gifts and abilities to succeed in life", "Life is beautiful if I make it beautiful".   

I am convinced now, more than ever, that if I can achieve this (loving myself, and falling in love with God) I'll be happy and in peace; and I'll be able to love others and make those others happy. Crazy? For many people it could sound crazy, but I really don't care much about that. The point is that right now, these ideas make a lot of sense to me.

God is love... God loves me... God loves you. Let's make the experience.

9 de abril de 2018

Una oración

Hoy más que nunca te lo pido Señor... Aumenta mi fe. Hazme una persona coherente...

"Señor, sabes que creo en ti, pero aumenta mi fe. Como Tomás te pido que me regales una experiencia viva y fresca de ti, que mi fe no sea sólo de oidas, sino que pueda decir que mis ojos te han visto y que mis manos te han tocado ¡eres mi Dios y mi Señor!"

¿Quo vadis?

Mientras camina, balbucea algunas palabras inteligibles porque, a pesar de haber tantas, no encuentra aquellas que le permitan decir lo que ...